Hey, welcome to the “Legacy X Project.” My name is Jim Kukral, and that’s J. Thorn.
How you doing J.?
Hey. Hey.
We are excited to have you here. Whether you came by reading the free manuscript on Amazon called, “Legacy X: A Gen X Midlife Manifesto,” grab it there for free, or you found us because it was shared, from somebody who thought they, found it very helpful. Doesn’t matter. Thank you for being here. What’s gonna happen here, is we’re gonna do this, free course, I guess you would call it, with a bunch of videos and a bunch of prompts about how you can leave a legacy for your children.
So what does legacy mean to you?
Legacy is the love you leave behind. You and I have been very vocal, privately and publicly in that we are not motivated by material goods and, wealth and our children are not getting a boathouse and Ferraris. That’s not the legacy we’re leaving.
Yeah, legacy is beyond those materialistic things. Legacy to us is all about the “archive of you” that you leave behind for them. For example, let’s say that you get hit by a bus tomorrow, which is a terrible thing to think about, and then in 10 years from now, your child is going through a divorce and they don’t know how to deal with it, or they’re dealing with drug addiction, or alcoholism, or they’re trying to start a business and they don’t know how to get financing or how to deal with employees.
There’s an advantage here of being a Gen Xer and being the age we are, which is we have all this information in our heads and you can’t just dump it all on your kids while you’re living because they don’t listen. Right? You know, how much did you listen to your parents when you were 18? Right?
That’s right. Even if you’re alive, they may not be in a place where they’re ready to hear what you’re saying.
Exactly. Right. So the opportunity for you now is to prepare for your death in a weird way. I know that sounds really weird to do, but I want you to think about this for a second. If you do pass this earthly realm and move on to the next part of your part in the universe, they won’t have your experience and your knowledge. So how simple is it? And that’s the argument we’re making to you today. How simple is it to literally pick up your phone, film a video, or do an audio, or do it on your laptop, or however you want to do it, to take a little tiny, insignificant amount of time in your life and prepare that knowledge and information for them. For example, things like relationships, trauma, finances, right? What else?
Yeah, health and wellness, obstacles you’ve faced. We’re gonna break this all down for you. So if you’re concerned that like, well, “I don’t like public speaking,” or, “I don’t know how to do this,” We’re gonna give you as much or as little as you need to accomplish the goal.
And it’s all gonna be covered from the tech, from the prompts. J. has put together an amazing curriculum, which is literally gonna walk you through all of the questions. You’ll have levels of difficulty from easy stuff to what we call the “fucking brutal” stuff, right? You can decide what you want to do. But I think the biggest thing I want to say to everybody as you’re beginning this now is, I want you to think about why and how important this is to do. Okay? Because it’s really important that you take the information outta your head and leave it for them in a format that they will actually be able to digest, especially when you’re gone, right?
That’s what really hit me, Jim. When you brought this idea to me and it hit me right in the heart because my dad had passed away five years ago, and I said to you, “Wow. I can’t imagine how powerful it would be if my dad had left me a series of audio or video about running a business.” Because he was a self-employed contractor. And how that would benefit me now. And that wisdom’s gone forever.
Yeah. And what I’ll wrap up with here as you get into this material that we’ve created is I want you to stop for a second. I want you to think about what will happen if you don’t do this. Okay. People are more motivated to do things out of fear of not doing them. So I’m gonna really tap into your lizard brain right now, and your lizard brain is telling you, “Don’t do this. It’ll be too hard, it’ll take too much time. I don’t know what to say.” Right? And your brain is giving you a million reasons not to do this right now, and you need to shut that part of your brain up. Because when you make difficult decisions and you get past that part of your brain, that’s when all the real growth happens, and you have to decide how important this is to you or not. Right?
Is it important enough for you to spend an hour, or six hours, or 60 hours—whatever you want to do—to get your thoughts and feelings on all of these important topics out into some type of audio or video content that could change your kids’ lives. Change them. Literally change the trajectory of their life, going from one direction, terrible with bad relationships, bad friends, no money, to where you want them to be.
So either decide right now, are you gonna sit them down in a room this tonight? And do 10 hours of you talking to them about all the lessons you learned, then go do it. If you’re not gonna do it and you’re not ready to have that conversation with them because you know they’re not gonna want to listen to you for 10 hours, then do this. It’s that simple. It’s a little tiny insignificant amount of time in your day, in your life where you could not play a video game for an hour and do this, or not watch YouTube or Netflix or whatever. And this will have an amazing giant impact on their lives. Because remember, if you want to accomplish something really important, you think about how it will affect the person, and then you don’t let them down.
So when you do follow through and watch these videos and take what we teach you here, you’re not letting them down, and that’s how important this is.
So thank you for being here. Enjoy the rest of this and we sincerely hope that you follow through with it. Thank you.